With global health warnings like Mpox on the rise, and lingering reports of covid-19, you might be interested in having a few tips and tricks to boost your immune system naturally. The extra 10-15% boost may be the differentiator between feeling a bit off vs. being completely wiped out. Here we will share a few tips you can do at home to boost your immune system, along with services our expert acupuncturists at AcuSoul provide to address the immune system issues as quickly as possible.
Add An Extra Layer
Believe it or not, we are already in fall as of August 8th, 2024 according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar. What this means is that as the seasons begin to change, you may want to layer up in the colder evenings, along with changing your diet to be more in alignment with the cooler months of fall. Remember, the body is naturally at 36.8°C, which is usually warmer than the temperature outside, so adding an extra layer as the temperature dips at night will only make less work for your body. This is especially important if you’ve had a stressful day in the office, or an exhausting day of walking while travelling or touring a city. When your body is run down, it’s easier for viruses to invade. It’s also easier for viruses to survive in cooler weather.
Change Your Diet According To The Season
As we trail out of summer, we may be hanging on to certain eating habits during the warmer climate that don’t necessarily translate to better health in the fall. You might be having smoothies with ice, raw fruit, or eating lots of raw salads and feeling great during the summer. As we switch into fall, some people notice they all of a sudden start to get looser bowel movements, and indigestion with excess raw food intake. Food in this cold state tends to take more energy from our digestive system in order to process into nutrients than if we had a warm cooked meal. If you’re looking for a way to boost your immunity, this is one tip you cannot skip.
If you’re already under a serious viral attack, you are avoiding people, but not sure what to make at home to feel better. I recommend chicken noodle soup for the following reasons:
Chicken - is warming, and low in fat, and translates to the body warming up faster to fight off a cold.
Thyme, oregano are spices that are found in chicken noodle soup, which again help to warm the body, and circulate the blood.
Root vegetables, and simple carbohydrates - such as carrots, and noodles - give the body fuel to perform basic functions efficiently.
Again, the body is naturally warm at 36.8°C, by eating warm food, it takes less energy from the body to maintain this temperature. This then leaves more resources for maintaining your body’s immune system.
Add Some Spice
Just like how Starbucks offers the pumpkin spice latte during fall, your body will benefit by consuming more ginger, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, garlic, cloves, fennel, black pepper, and onions. You can try ginger tea, or apple cider with a cinnamon stick. You can also just add these spices to your cooking, and enjoy the added kick, while they optimize your immune system for better health.
Try saunas! The othership is just down the street from our clinic, and the warmth helps to open the poors, and get rid of those chills just as they begin. If you’re actually having a fever, it might not be recommended to do the saunas, as this is a later stage of illness, and others might not appreciate you spreading infection. Pre-emptively though, this is a great strategy for improving your immune system.
Last but not least, moxibustion is the underappreciated side kick to acupuncture; that Robin is to Batman. This technique involving the burning of a specific herb, is particularly effective for boosting the immune system. When you’re in the early stages of feeling a chill, we apply the herb to targeted acupoints without needles and gently heat it with an incense stick. The burning herb is swiftly removed just before it reaches the skin. This process not only enhances circulation but also stimulates the body’s immune response. Our practitioners have utilized this herb in many treatments, and frequently use it themselves to combat chills or fever.
If you’re looking for that extra kick to help boost your immune system, feel free to inquire about moxibustion at our Toronto acupuncture clinic located at 54 Stewart Street, 2nd Floor (King West). We’ll assess your health concerns and provide a treatment tailored to your individual needs.